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Are pork rib bones safe to feed to dogs

19 13:49:04

I work at a restraunt that serves pork spare ribs. I often get asked by people to give them a box so they can feed the rib bones to their dogs. I tell them from what I've heard, they can splinter and cause the animal great harm. The answer I often get is it's only chicken bones that do that. Who is right?

Thank you very much.

Hello Dale and thank you for your question,

You are right sort of.... smaller toy dogs tend to chew everything well and not crack off big chunks and swollow them whole like larger dogs or more agressive chews. I persoanlly never give them to any of my dogs because I know they will snap chunks off and swollow chunks which can cause injury or death, I think owners are taking a gamble even offering them to there dogs regardless of size.