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small dog bark at mailman

19 11:47:42

Hi! My small dog (chihuaha) went outside to go pee and when the mailman came to give me the mail, my dog barked at him and chased him, but he did not bite the mailman. The mailman said that he will call the police and he did. I have to pay 200 dollars. Can I go to small claims court and not pay 200 dollars?

Hi Nany;
That souds rather extreme.I could understand a fine if the dog BIT the mailman, but just for barking???
Probably the mail man running was why the dog hjased.
Running triggers their natural instinct to hunt and give chase.
I would think the OVER reaction on the part of the mailman was because that made him look like a fool, to be afraid of a little Chihuahua. Hee hee hee, so much for strong, brave man.LOL
Sorry, but I think it is kind of stupid for someone to have that much of a reaction over just a chase.
Wish that were here, then I would go to court with you.
I know, a Chihuahua can give a good bite, if they get the right place, but had the mailman not run, the dog would p[robably have given chase.
I hope nobody's small child pointed a cap pistol at him, he would probably have called Child Protection to get the kid put in jail or something.
I know, you have a real problam, and need some advice.
I don't know what to tell you.
I don't know what kind of ordinances you have where you live.
We do have a leash law here, and it applies to every dog, so if you have a complaint about your dog being off leash, other than in a fenced yard, you are going to get a fine.
I would assure the court the dog wil NOT be outside off leash again, and make sure it isn't.
It really isn't safe for the dog either. A larger dog  an run into the yard and seriously hurt, or even kill your dog, before you can do enough to prevent it.
You would need to talk with your City Attorney for advice about getting out of the fine.
He/she would have all the information about statutes and ordinances where you live.
In some places, there are no ordinances about ANY dogs running loose, and in some places, poor animals can hardly breathe without their owners getting grief.
If you must take your dog out to an unfenced yard to do his business, I would take him on a leash, for the DOG'S protection.
That would also negate any ne being able to file a complaint.