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eating dog feces

19 14:18:07

I know this is a weird question but my little Shih Tzu if not watched when he defecates eats his feces. I find this disturbing. Is he doing this because he is hungry? Am I not feeding him enough? Have you ever had this problem?

Thank you for your time

Its call Coprophagia. I have this problem with 2 of my 4 dogs. Isn't it lovely when they do that and then come in and want kisses?! He is not hungry, he just has a nasty habit. There is a product on the market that you give your dog in pill form. As it is digested it makes the feces taste bad to the dog. This may be a answer for you if he is your only dog. I found it to expensive to give the pills to 4 dogs. I have also heard that Adolf's Meat Tenderizer does the same thing if sprinkled on the dog food, though I have never tried it myself. If you want the pills look online or in a pet magazine.
Good Luck,  Wendy