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I have a problem with my new dog

19 11:45:57

Dear Nancy,
yesterday we got a staffordshire terrier, she's 10 months old, she has never been on a leash or had a collar on, she is not house trained, I'm not that old, and I never raised a staffordshire terrier before, my whole family is pretty freaked out by her, because she is basically a pit bull, and well you know, and shes tried to nip my about 6 times, I'm having a issue with the way my mom wants to house train this dog, and I was just wondering if this is how you do it, she puts her in a kennel and puts her outside, and then puts her in the kennel and then puts her outside, all day long, is that how you do it? please help


She has the right idea.   In the kennel, then outside, then on leash in the house so you can watch her.  Then outside again.  In the beginning she must be kenneled and then outside.  She must be watched in each room.  A dog has to be housebroken in each room of the house.  So don't think because she is housebroken in one room she will be housebroken in another.   The nipping is a concern.  Is she playing or annoyed?  Either way she must be stopped.  If she is playing say "no" and take your hands away, or put hot sauce on them.  If she is angry or protective, grab her and lay her on her back and get angry inside and project this to her.  Keep her on her back until she is laying quietly and then let her up.
do not praise her afterward, stay firm.