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shih tzu with possible constipation

19 11:30:01

My one yr. old male shih tzu seems to be constipated.  He is shivering like he has a fever. His nose is cold to the touch.  He did eat a little and drank water but I don't think he has had a bowel movement today and seems to be uncomfortable.  Is there something I can feed him that will help him go.

Try giving him some canned dog food. Canned dog food has a good bit of water in it, which makes stools softer, You might from now on want to be sure baby is getting enough water during the day. Also try adding some oil to his diet. Cod liver oil is great, and is wonderful for skin, coat and eyes. If you don't get some results within 24 hours, call your vet. Usually canned dog food will do the trick. Do watch him as it's possible he could've ingested something he shouldn't have and might have a blockage. If his tummy is hard and he shows pain when you touch him, run him on over to the vet just for a look see. Better safe than sorry. We had a Komondor once who swallowed a sock whole! That was icky to say the least LOL.