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Stop Scooby Barking!

19 14:18:29

Scooby is a crossbreed, age 3, I've had him nearly two years now, he's fed on Iams/Pedigree Mix,and gets regular off and on lead park and beach runs, but otherwise I suppose you'd call him an inside dog. His barking has become piercing and constant when he spins around the garden, and inside when I've got company. Clearly he wants attention., or maybe it's the noise of too many people.?
I've trained him on all his other skills and I love him to bits but if I can't stop the barking on my command, he's now annoying nieghbours, my family when we visit, and anyone else who can here him.
Save the barking for serious chats scooby!
If I list whhat I've tried then maybe you can give me your thoughts Cheers.
...repeatative and positive treats when he is quiet...ignore him...bark collar with high pitch sound...bark collar with stinky smell...a mussel...trying to get him to bark on command hense shut him up on command... help me if you can please. gill craig

Wow. Ok, Gill, so you've told me what all you've tried, but can you elaborate just a little more for me please?

With the bark collars, how did he react and how long did you use them?
What is "a mussel"?
Did you successfully teach him to bark and be quiet on command? If not, how did you go about it and for how long?

Is he barking only when you have company over? Is he crate trained? Is he a normally high-energy dog or does he just get excited when you have people over?

Barking is a difficult habit to break, but with patience and a little work, it can be done. Do you know what Scooby is a mix of? That may help as well.

Please get back to me with the answers to these questions and I'll do my very best to help you!
