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Puppy and Parvo

19 14:03:57

Recently, we added a beautiful miniature Cocker Spaniel to our family. He is just now 4 months old and is 8 lbs. 11 oz.  
We are planning a trip to see my son on June 2nd. However, my son's Lab puppy (also around 4 mos) died 2 weeks ago due to what he believes was Parvo. (He called the local vet and described the symptoms. It was late night and the vet said that with the symptoms he described, he believed it to be Parvo.) His other puppy (brother to the deceased puppy) survived the symptoms though and is doing well now.

I am worried now about taking my puppy up there with us. As long as he's had his shots, what are the risks?  If we don't take him, what are the risks that we could bring this disease home with us and still infect him?  Being a small breed, I'm very concerned about him.  

There is no possibility of rescheduling our trip.  I would appreciate any thoughts, suggestions or advice you can give me.


First of all make sure that he has had all of his shots. I would not suggest taking the puppy until he is older. Parvo virus can survive in the environment, in soil, carpet, clothes, etc... for many years and can infect  a dog that has not been vaccinated and built up an immune response to the virus. It is very easily contracted, all your pup would have to do is smell or eat something contaminated with the virus. Call your veterinarian, make sure all shots are up to date and ask your veterinarian if in his/her opinion they think your dog has had enough time to build up resistance to the disease. You do not want to do anything to put your dog at risk of getting the often fatal disease. I would not suggest taking it unless you know for sure that your puppy will be protected from the virus. Hope this helps and hope that it works out for you. Have a safe trip.