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About my J.R.

19 14:04:29

Dear Kristen,
 Hi , first i wanna thank you for your help . I bought a male  Jack Russell , and i named him ( Romeo ) , when he was 8 weeks old , since almost 3 weeks .

ps:  i bought him to be a house pet , not a terrier .

And am trying to make hime stop biting while he is playing , plus he keeps doing his thing (booboo ) all around , i used to own a cat , so i filled the cats old box with sands , so the dog could do his thing there ( and the box is placed beside his house and food ), so sometimes he goes there alone ( to the box ) and do it , but sometimes he goes BESIDE IT and do it, and sometimes any where !

In the morning and evening i do take him out to the garden after he wakes up in the morning and evening after dinner time  , so he could play and do his thing , and he does it . But after i get him inside the house he will keep doing it again and as i said , he does it where ever he likes .... even sometimes he does it out of the box and sleeps at the sand in the box and leaves his house .

ps: everytime i see him in action , i take him to the box , but lately when i he knows that i cought him , he runs away from me , even with out finishing his thing ( as if he knows that  i don't like it )

if you can help me with your advises plz



Hello, Talal. It sounds like you have one confused doggie, there! Is he neutered yet? If not, I would recommend getting it done soon, so that his urge to 'mark' everything as his own will not be as bad.

Do you want him to potty in the box inside, or do you want him to learn to potty outside only? If you want him to learn to go outside, you need to get rid of the inside box altogether and start taking him outside more frequently. You didn't mention how old he is now. Could you tell me?

Generally, puppies will need to pee about as many hours as they are old in months. So, for example, if Romeo is 12 weeks old (3 months old), he should be taken outside at LEAST every 3 hours. If you can take him out every 2 hours that is even better. The more opportunities he has to 'go' outside, the higher the chances will be that he does not have an 'accident' in the house. he should also be taken out when he wakes up, after eating, and just before bedtimeAs for the other thing that they do, USUALLY they will poo within 20 minutes of eating. So after you feed him, take him out on leash and walk him around until he potties. Then praise him like there's no tomorrow!

If he potties in the house, and you do not catch him actually in the act of pottying, do not scold him because he will not understand why you are fussing. You should only scold if you catch him in the act, and even then, you should not be forceful or violent. Simply tell him "NO" and clap your hands or make a noise to startle him, and then immediately take him outside on leash and walk him around until he's pottied, again, praising him when he finishes outside.

If you want to continue to use the box inside, follow the same instructions, but everywhere that I said to take him outside (with the exception of after eating and naps), take him to the box instead. I would also recommend moving the box away from his crate and his food. Who wants to eat and sleep in their bathroom? His food and crate can be left together, but move the box away from them.

When you are not at home, and at night, I would recommend putting him in his crate so that he cannot potty throughout the house.

Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with
