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rear dewclaws

19 10:55:28

My 7 month old Shi Tsu has rear dewclaws.  We are having him nuetered and the vet has suggested that we remove the dewclaws at the same time.  Is this really necessary?

It really is better to remove those rear dewclaws. It is very easy for them to be torn if they should get got up on something when the dog is running around.

As a dog groomer, it is really hard to tell the difference between a dewclaw sticking out and mats/snarls in a dog that isn't totally combed out. Since most dogs do not have them, it is very easy to have them get hooked up in the comb, etc., and they must be constantly kept cut since the dog never wears them down, and it is difficult to scissor around them safely since some protrude quite a bit. I once saw a dog come in that had its dewclaws growing back in a large circle and beginning to penetrate its skin.

I'm not saying that you are that type of dog owner, but it is just so much easier to have them removed when the dog is neutered and then you never have to think about them again.