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Jack Russell puppy

19 9:18:52

Have just taken on a 5 month old jack Russell bitch . Had to be rehomed by original owner as their jack Russell bitch (aged 10) kept attacking her. I already have a 4 year old neutered male. Has been with us now for approx 6 weeks. On whole they get on ok but puppy has started barking uncontrollaby at trees in the garden . The first tree was quite tall with lots of hanging branches so we pruned it to see if helped. She doesn't bark at that one quite so much but has moved on to another tree that is not particularly tall or with lots of hanging branches . She cries, barks and jumps at the branches . The barking is constant .she shows no interest whatsoever in trees when we are out walking ? Has just started this behaviour and don't understand why or how we can stop it . Once she starts on the tree she does not respond to us at all, is just totally focused on the tree ? Have u any advice as sure neighbours will start complaining soon !!

Hi Donna, don't you wish you could be in their brains sometime.   Well I want to tell you about my little fox terrier bitch. I thought she had lost her mind when I looked out my back door and she was jumping straight up with her head up.  Her jump was about 4 feet in the air and she did it over and over every time she went out in the evening.  After much wonder, I finally sneaked out and watched a little closer.  I was amazed.  Dragon flies were teasing her, swooping down and she would jump up at them and then they would come right back and buzz her again.  So I am wondering if she is seeing or smelling something on a branch that you are not seeing.
Either way, she needs to stop barking.  Have you tried a water gun with a good blast?  Squirt her when she barks.  If you can catch her make her lay down each time she barks at the tree.  Put her on her side.  Hopefully the tree will become more alpha and she will stay away.
Another thing to try is to put a strong but light string on her collar so she doesn't know she is on a leash, and follow her out to the tree; this way you still have some control.  When she barks say "NO" and pull her away and make her sit or down until she is calm.  None of these are easy fixes.  Something like this takes patience and CONSISTENCY.    Make sure she never goes out without that string on her until you have control of this.  She will 'get it' eventually.
Hope this helps, Donna,