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Peeing in the house at age 6yrs.

19 9:22:20

I have recently rescued a 6 yr old male long haired dachshund.  We have had him for about two weeks and I have been finding spots around my house where he has been urinating, on trash cans, suits cases, carpet under beds, clothes on the floor and random rugs in our bedroom.  We try and watch him when he is in the house and he rarely leaves out of the room we are in, he prefers to be with us in the house. We do crate him when we are gone but not at night, at night he sleeps in a bed next to our bed.  I am not sure when he is peeing or why, I am wondering if he is marking his territory (we do have two other female dogs both spayed) and he is not neutered. I have been told that he will stop peeing if we neuter him, is there any truth to this and what others suggestions could you offer?  Thank you!

Neutering often works on a youngster who hasn't started lifting his leg yet as they generally just continue to squat to urinate, unless they are a very dominant dog. A 6-year-old who is already a habitual marker? Ummm... unlikely to work, I think.

Most likely he is marking his territory, but he should have a urinary check by your vet just to make certain that there is no bladder infection or bladder stones, etc. If the vet finds nothing wrong, then I would suggest that you get a boy belly band for him which wraps around his mid-section, and keep him in it at all times except when he is outside.