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Barking 8 yr. old dog

19 11:34:42

QUESTION: I have a soon to be 8 yr. old black lab mix who's quite the barker.  I can understand it at someone outside the house, but he barks at my 2 youngest everytime they leave the house, come home, go up the stairs, etc.  They both went away to college last year, making things worse.  Now I have a 15 month old grand child who visits once a month or so,and things get even worse. The baby is not afraid of him, but the dog doesn't understand that the baby isn't there to play with him.  I can't enjoy my grandson without giving Snickers attention too. We walk him 3 times a day, play with him alot. He sleeps all day so it's not a constant wanting of attention.  I want to enjoy my grandson but it's so hard.  You'd think at 8 yrs he have calmed donw , but he's worse than ever.

ANSWER: The first thing you can try is to use a water bottle and whenever he starts to bark spray him and say 'enough' and do not give him attention when he is barking,as that is like praising him

another thing that is helpful as well is use a type of collar that sprays lemon juice into the dog's face whenever he barks,this doesn't hurt him at all but it teaches him,and often all the dog has to do is wear the collar-they are available at most petstores,and if they sell the collar,they will also sell refills

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: We've tried both methods.  The water doesn't seem to phase him - he hinks it's a game & runs. Its just excites him.  We've tried egnoring him, he keeps barking, like a child who whines to get his way, only louder.  The collar w/spray... he learned to back up so the spray does not get in his face.  Any more ideas?  Consistancy???  He outlast us.

That is very unusual for the collar not to work but there is a couple more things you can try

the first thing you can try is this,put a choke chain on him with a leash and everytime he barks snap the leash back and say 'enough'

Another one you can try is have a pop can filled with pennies and shake it when he barks,saying 'enough'

and the last one to try is to get a rolled up magazine and throw it at him when he barks(again saying 'enough' when you throw it),and it doesn't have to hit him,the point of this is is to get his attenion and to stop barking