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poddy training

19 11:34:42

my 8-week old bishon shitshu keeps on pooping and peeing in the house. and then when we go outside to take him for a walk, he just lays down and stays there until we go to pick him up. do you have any advice on how to poddy train him and teach him how to go on walks?

Try using a crate,keep him in there and only let him out every few hours,and take him outside and keep him outside until he does everything,crates usual work,since dogs want to keep there sleeping areas clean,and every few weeks he can be let out of the crate a little bit more,until he only needs to be in there when you are not at home or sleeping

And as for teaching him to walk on a leash,try encouraging him to walk by using little treats and coaxing him to walk,over time they get used to the leash,at first however is more of a challenge