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dog half bulmastif half boxer

19 10:07:32

its a bitch and she leaking milk  and dont think she is pregnant or at least she should not be she never allowed out on her own

Hi Kyle,

Thank you for writing to me about your dog leaking milk.

Whatever the cause of your dog's lactation, she seems to have pseudopsesis which is a false pregnancy.  It may go away on its own,  or she may need medication to stop the problem.   If someone in the home is pregnant, a dog can pick up the scent of the hormone and this can cause lactation in the dog.

Your pooch should be examined by a vet to make sure she does not have an endocrine glands Pancreatic islet cell tumor problem, and to make sure she doesn't have a pyometra (uterine Dysfunctional uterine bleeding Endometrial cancer or uterine prolapse infection. Due to the excessive hormonal stimulation of the uterus, a female can begin lactating. I therefore suggest that you make an appointment as soon as possible as Pyometra can be fatal.

For every heat that a female goes through, it increases the chances of deadly cancer significantly.  

Additionally, for every puppy born, there is one less home for a dog on death row so I encourage you to spay your dog, especially if she is falsely lactating.

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis