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Early Bird Puppy

19 14:04:29

We have a 3 month old Miniature Schnauzer that goes in his crate well at night, but every morning at around 6 am he starts howling, whining and barking.  It's a real problem because it wakes our toddler son up too early and then everyone is cranky!  Is there a way to help him sleep a little later and/or not bark as soon as he wakes up?
An additional problem is that he hates to be in his crate if he's not ready to sleep.  When we have to leave, he howls for about 10 min when we put him in his crate.  I've tried positive reinforcement and it doesn't seem to be helping with that.  Any tips?

This is a problem.  I don't have a complete solution.  Can you locate the crate where the sun doesn't shine in in the morning?  Eliminate any timed lights or coffee pots that are giving him a clue.  Harder to deal with neighbors leaving for work, etc.  

I can't promise this won't be counter productive.  Move the crate into your son's room, even under the crib.  That way the dog isn't alone when it wakes up.  It may quietly enjoy your son's company.  Hearing each other's breathing, may comfort both.  Back when our kids were little, the dog we had then liked, to sleep under the crib.  I guess he liked being near somebody.  He really didn't like the kids.  I didn't know enough then to correct that.  Kids and dogs make great companions, but need good supervision to protect both.  

Most kids and dogs tend to be early risers.

 Try to exercise him before putting him in the crate.  In time, he will learn that barking doesn't do any good and that you are coming back, and should quit.