Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > SUCKLING


19 11:13:30

Hi, We have 2 dogs which we adopted from the local shelter. Our pit/lab mix is 2 and has this VERY strange habit of getting a small part of the material from his bed, putting in his mouth and starts to, what seems like to me, suckle. He lays there and pushes up and down with his front paws at either side of where he is suckling, as if he is trying to get milk. Why do you think he does this, and do you think I should make him stop when he does?

Hi Lynn,

As you've noted, the sucking behavior is a strange habit, but it's not too uncommon. It also seems to be quite common in dogs that have had more than one owner, particularly if they were rehomed at an early age. It's the dog equivalent to thumb sucking in children, but it seems to be something they do not grow out of as they get older.

Dogs and cats that are prematurely weaned often engage in sucking behavior as a self-comforting activity. They may suck on the corner of a blanket or pillow, one of their paws or tail, and even on a person's arm or earlobe. Dobermans are famous for sucking their flanks!

Owners who try to get them to kick their dogs of this habit are often unsuccessful. Dogs deprived of their favorite "cuddle: will often substitute another object if they can and, if deprived of everything, will go without, but will go back to doing it as soon as they can get hold of something suitable.

There seems to be nothing wrong with allowing dogs to carry out this behavior. The object used may need to be washed occasionally to prevent it becoming unhygienic, but no long term damage seems to be done, the behavior is not disruptive and if the dog is comforted by the action, why not just let him suck away?

I hope I've been a help,
Best of luck,
