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10 month old pit

19 13:42:56

i have a 10 month old full blooded red nose pitbull.he has a dark gray patch on his back left leg and some pink skin is showing through.i think he had mange, i took him to the vet and they said he was in the healing process.another thing i am curious about is why does my 10 month old dog drink so much water at a time.and one more thing,,his testicles are up and down, shouldn't they be side-by-side? i would really appreciate your help if you could answer any of my questions.

Hi Andrew,  I couldn't tell you much about the pink skin without actually seeing it, but if the vet says that it is healing, then that is good.  If he seems to drink too much water, you might want to take him in to be checked for diabetes.  Abnormal water intake is a symptom of diabetes.  Of course, you should be seeing abnormal urination too along with that.  Testicles are normally displaced, not really side by side so there is nothing abnornmal there.   Hope this helps,
