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Itchy Ears

19 13:33:47

My dog has been suffering dog allergies for 7 years. We've spent thousands of dollars on medications, antibiotics,and special foods. We've been referred to other "specialists" who just start us from square one. There seems to be a temporary relief when we start a new program but it soon fails and all her symptoms come back. Jasmine, is a 8 year old mix pound dog. The pound was unsure of her breed but she looks like a rottweiler/husky mix. Her symptoms include itchy ears with dark brown guck, she licks her paws relentlessly and she shakes her head so much that it causes open sores on the tips of her ears. My husband and I are on the end of our rope with her. We don't know how else to help her. Please help.  

sounds like cronic yeast infections in the ears...or just yeast that wont go away, Flush teh ears out daily when they start looking not normal with alot of smell and gunk and ear shaking...flush them with an ear cleaning sulution for dogs it doenst have to be medicated, There are drops I'm sure your vets have given you before called serilin or something simaler these are to be droped and spread in the ear after the clenaing and after you've dabbed the ear dry, you can give a 25 ML Benadryl caplet once or twice daily....during really itchy times these were advised for my jack russell terrier and lab throguh my vet when my JRT had a bad allergy break out and ear yeast problem and when my lab had a yeast problem in her ear also. These are ment for people and avalibel in drug stores/walmarts/ some grocery stores such as safeway or co-op be sure they are the 25 ML caplets and only two within 24 hour periods...they really helped my two dogs and contuine to help my jack russell terrier during summer months...I swear he is allergic to everything growing out there lol because he doesnt have allergy problems in teh winter only spring/summer and fall. For teh ear sores if they are really seeming sore to her you can dab them with a wet wamr face cloth and dry them with dabbing also then you should always apply an anti botic ointment to the ears a regular polyspoirn type ointment will be good enough apply everyday once or twice daily until the spot is fairly well need to bandage the area the dressing wouldnt stay on long anyways.  So far this is all I know about allergys through my jack russell terrier and labrador retreiver, I have no exerperaicne with foot licking but placing viniger or bitter apple spray ontop of the foot might help pervent further licking or banding the foot and part of the leg with gauze wrapping might pervetn the dog bothering the foot much if the dressing stays on. happy new year.