Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > dog urinates when sees leash

dog urinates when sees leash

19 14:11:46

HI, I am asking for my sister.  She has a West Highland terrier, about 1.5 years old.  She stays inside all day, and is taken out on my sis's lunch break and during the evening time.  Ever since my sister has had Ellie she urinates when she gets excited.  When my sis comes home from work, when a new person comes over, if you talk to her and say her name and especially when my sis get's the leash out to take her outside.  My sister doesn't punish her because she thinks that Ellie probably won't know why she is in trouble.  She is at her wits end and doesn't know what to try or why the dog continues to do this.  She has been told she would grow out of it, but she is not. Not yet anyway. Any suggestions would be most apprectiated.   Thanks,  Jamie Willis

Hi, Jamie, and thanks for asking. Other than ignoring the behavior when it happens, has your sister tried anything else? USUALLY, this IS something that most puppies outgrow, but sometimes it can take longer to 'break' a dog of doing this. If you can tell me what, if anything, your sister has been trying to get the dog to stop excitement peeing, I will be better able to help answer the question and help her out.
