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House breaking a 3 year old dog.

19 13:51:24

I adoped a 3 year old mini pincer/chihuahua from the humane society a week ago.  I believe she's been abused. The barking dogs in in facility was very tramatic for her.  I don't think anyone has every bothered to housebreak her.  When I take her out, sometimes she will pee, but she doesn't ask to go out.  She is pooping in my bedroom.  I put a paper in the laundry room today with a piece of poop to see if that would encourage her to go there.  What can I do?

Hi Janice, thanks for your question.

Congrats on your new dog. You took in a dog who probably has alot of baggage. But this is okay. It means you just need a little patience.

First off pretend shes a puppy. And decide if you want her to "go" inside on paper/puppy pad/litter box, or outside. It has to be one choice. If you want her to go inside, place her in an enclousure, a pen or a crate. Big enough for her to lay down, and a spot to put the pad or paper. And don't give her any extra room. When you do not have your undived attention on her, put her in there. And I mean complete attention. Whatch her for signs. Sniffing, turning around, ect. Take her to her spot after playing and eating. You can also keep her in a crate at night to teach her to hold it. You will of course need to take her out last thing before bed, and first thing in the morening. But this should be simple with paper training, as the paper is not very far away.

Otherwise, you can train her to go outside. This way, just place her in the crate when you don't have your attention on her. Just remember she has no place to go now. So you have to give her a chance(take her out) after every meal, sip of water, playtime, nap, and every few hours otherwise. Try to only give water with meals, then that way you have more control over when she has to go. And shes not going all over your bedroom.

Make your bedroom off limits. And also take her to a training class. Be very patient with her. She has habits, and this is a new home. It is very likely she has been through alot. If she goes pee or poo in the right spot, praise like a crazy person, if not just ignore it. If she makes an accident ignore it. You should watch closer next time. She has no idea, and you have to show her.

Some of my dogs never asked to go out. They would hold it until I let them out. So I had to make sure to let them out every once in a while so they weren't holding it too long. Some dogs ask, some don't. Just work with your dog, and love her for her.

I wish you good luck. And send you lots of patience. I hope I have helped. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.