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about dogs positive influence

19 11:30:55

Hello, my name is Seong Cheon, and I am a reporter for magazine called Jayplay. I have been writing an article on "positive influence people can get by training and hanging out with dogs." and after searching the web for few hours, I found that you could be the perfect expert source to tell me about this issue. Could you please explain few positive influence people can get by hanging out with dogs? Your opinion means a lot to me. I am desperate to find out about this so that I could improve credibility of my article.
I will include your name and your status as an expert in my article. Thank you very much! and please reply me as soon as possible!

Seong Cheon
Reporter for Jayplay at the University of Kansas.

Well just petting a dog can lower blood pressure,children that have dogs also tend to have less allergies

There have been studies that show that older people that have dogs tend to live longer and be healthier-as walking the dog gives them exercise

You are also more likely to meet new people,as people want to stop and talk to the dog-there is even some dating websites for pet lovers

Having a dog could also relieve boredom if you have nothing else to do,you can play with or walk the dog

and children that have dogs learn responsibilities and they also tend to have more friends,as some kids may want to come over to play with the dog