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about pitbuls

19 11:44:09

When you feed your dog raw meat do that makes the dog have worms? I have another question to um how do you train your pitbuls to not bite and to act good around people so like children can touch him and play with him.

No, raw meat does not give a dog worms, but it can carry salmonella, which some dogs then pass along in their stools.

All puppies should be left with their littermates and mother until they are at least eight weeks old so that they learn to properly inhibit their bite. After that, the new owners need to take over the role of the dam and work with the new puppy every day.... training it, hauling it everywhere, and socializing it with new people and new situations. Take the puppy to puppy socialization classes, and then to obedience classes for several months. This is definitely a case of getting out of a dog what one puts into it.

Get the paperback book, "How to Raise a Puppy You Can Live With" by Rutherford and Neil, and read it from cover to cover. This is an excellent book.
