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dog reppellers

19 14:13:04

Followup To
Question -
I am an avid walker who goes walking around my neighborhood every night fro exercise.  I am having some trouble with 2 certain dogs, and I cannot get their owner to put them on a chain.  They run at me, and scare me pretty bad.  I carry pepper spray, but I learned the other day I cant use it, when a dog came right at me, and I was so scared I froze and couldnt even use it.  I do not want to quit walking.  Do the dog repellers really work?  It is a devise that produces a sound we cant hear as humans but dogs can, and it is supposed to repel them for up to 15 feet.  Do you know if these really work, or would it be a waste of money to buy one?
Answer -
Do you have a leash law in your town? Or ordanences against people letting their dogs run loose?
Do these dogs leave their property to chase you, or do they only run to the property line and bark?
If they just run out and bark, and don't attempt to attack or nip you, just ignore them, and they will get no charge out of it, and stop.
If you feel you are rreally in danger of being bitten, then call the police and file a complaint.
If there are laws or ordinances against loose dogs, when the owners start paying fines, they will curb their animals.
People who do not protect their dogs by keeping them in a situation that they are safe againse complaints that could get their dogs confiscated and possible put down, should not be allowed to have dogs.
If they are such fools that they care nothing of the rights or safety of other people, they chould at least care enought about their dogs.
If the police are repeatedly called and there are repeated complaints (probably the second complain is enough) that get the dogs confiscated, who is going to come to harm? THEIR DOGS!
The dogs will suffer for the *$%^*(^^^idiocy of their owners.
People like that are not fir dog owners.
Years ago we had a neighbor who let his dogs run loose, and taught them to be mean, and after I warned him once, I took his butt to court.
When a person has a child, their responsinility is to raise that child in a way that keeps it safe, to teach it to be a good citizen so it gets along well with people and obeys the laws so they will be safe from being objects of hatred and anger and arrest. that is what keeps them safe and makes a good life when you have them raised and they are grown.
When you take an animal to raise, you assume ALL the responsiblity of their health and safety, for their whole life, and if you are not going to fulfill that responsibility, you have no business having them, and as far as I am concerned, you are not fit to raise them.
Me, once i had spoken to the people and they refused to insure my safety, i would not make little waves, I would stir up a bleedin typhoon!
Those people are not fit dog owners if they allow their dogs to be in this unsafe situation (not to mention YOUR safety)
Let's say they care nothing for other people's rights and safety, and just consider their dogs.
Ok, they are not seeing to their dogs' safert. That makes them not fir dog owners.
If their dogs are in a fence that is high enough their dogs can't jump over it, then they are fulfilling their responsibility, and if they run at the fence, that is no big deal.
I don't blame the people for not chaining their dogs, That is a terrible thing to do.
I fenced my yard to keep my dogs in.
I never have dogs that will bite, i train them better. (unless it is a situation where they are supposed to protect by whatever means), but I will not allow mine out in the open to play with neighborhood dogs or kids, or my grandchildren. Out in the open dogs can get hit by cars.
The neighborhood kids come and ask me to let them into the back yard to play with the dogs. They bring their dogs and they all play together.
Maybe these people are such louts they only HAVE those dogs to get a kick out of seeing their neighbors bugged.
Yep, there are people that nasty.
If the dogs are no in a fenced yard, go to the police department and file charges against these uncaring, uncivilized bumkins.
If this is a problem with other people too, see if they will sign a petition or at least give you letters attesting to this situation.
If no one "want's to get involved", take a video of the dogs running at you.
Get your case together, and stir up your typhoon.
Feel free to print out my answer and mail it to your neighbors.
If they are not protecting the safety of their dogs, then they are ABUSING them, and should not be allowed to have dogs.
Long winded answer, but people who thumb their nose at the rest of the world irritate me.
People who do not take proper care of their children and animals make me so mad I could fight.

We do have a leash law in our city, but I live in the country of a very small community, so Barney Fife and Andy Griffith =) dont do much about complaining of dogs.  We do have a animal control pound, and I have called repeatedly about these 2 dogs, they said they gave the people a warning and a ticket but I am not sure if I belive them, becuase the owner of the dogs is the head honcho behind our rescue team.  We arent a big enough place for ambulances and fire departments so it is all volunteer work, and I think he thinks he is above the threats about his dog, so therfore he doesnt do anything.  I dont think I could hurt a dog evn if one was attacking me, so when I carry a stick its mainly for show.  But I just need something done about these 2 dogs.  The man is a reall butt about it.  I have tried to talk to him, and so have a couple of other people who walk by there and have problems with their dog, he told us to just hit em and they will leave us alone.  I think he shouldnt be allowed to keep the dogs if he treats them that way, as in telling people to hit them.  But like I said, I feel like I live in Mayberry, and cant get anything done about the dogs.  Thats why I just wanted to know about the dog reppeller device, I thought maybe they would shy away from it.  

You know. I am so mad after reading your new post.
I just feel a need to slap the *&^%$ out of something.
Telling people to just "Hit em" AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH!
Everybody who knows me even slightly knows that if you lay a hand on one of my grandkids or my animals, you had better have your insurance paid up.
I am not kidding.
If someone does harm to me or my property, I will go through the proper channels, take care of it in a civilized manner and file the proper suits or charges,in other words, handle it the right way. I am civilized. I do have a temper, being Irish and Cherokee,but it is under control, and I do not lose it and act like a barroom brawler. I also am old and have about 40% or less of the ability I should have, even for 71 years old, but I can pick up something that makes me bigger.
I am a southern lady, and pride myself on always acting like one. I don't stoop to cheap common behavior.that is, unless you threaten harm to my babies, both the 2 legged ones and the 4 legged ones.
When it comes to someone harming a child or animal, I don't feel the least bit ladylike. I just want to whale the tar out of them.
It does tell me what to do about those two dogs though.
That owner is their problem.
He tells what kind of dog owner he is when he says for someone to hit them. He abuses his dogs, Plain and simple.
HE hits them. He has no respect of care for them and they have no security.
They are doing what they think he wants them to do.
To win our acceptance is all our dogs want, and they will do anything they think we want them to do to please us.
First, DON'T carry a stick !
That tells the dogs you are a threat to them.
I would make friends with the dogs.
If he tells people to hit them, apparently they have never bitten anyone. If they haven'tt bitten, and they are close enough to have bitten if they wanted to, they are just trying to sound tough or get attention.
Don't stare down a dog,
When you stare a dog in the face to show them you are not afraid of them, you are, in dog language, challenging them to a fight.
Stop and talk to them in a soothing voice. Offer the back of your hand for them to smell.
Don't thrust your hand out, just extend your hand, palm down, and say "I am not going to hurt you, smell my hand and see for yourself."
when you stop and show no fear, but talk to them, they can see right into your heart.
I would say things like " Oh, don't be an ugly dog, be nice. Here, some and let me pet you. I am not going to hurt you. I like dogs, and you are good dogs. you're not mean dogs, no, you
re nice dogs." Stuff like that. Tell them they are sweet dogs, tell them they are pretty dogs. Talk baby talk to them.
Just talk in a soothing, friendly voice.
I talk baby talk to animals, and babies.
I would say (when they come oput barking) "Oh, here come de big bad dogs, tryin to scare me. I not afraid of you, I think you're sweet."
Laugh a little, not like laughing at them but laughing like "Oh that is so cute.
You can make friends with them. They may even start going on your walk with you.
Show that STUPID *&%$#$#%^&&**( fool you are twice the dog person he is ever capable of being.
After you have sweet talked them awhile, say "Ok, if you're going to bark and be unfriendly, I am not going to talk to you anymore.
Stop talking to them or looking at them and just walk on.
I feel sure if these doga were ever going to bite you, they already would have, unless you make a move that looks to them like you are trying to hurt them.
I would think if you hit them that would insure a bite.
If that rescur group is a member of the humane society, file a complaint with the Humane society against him for telling people to hit his dogs.
I am a member of the humane society and I work through several rescue groups, fostering animals for them etc. If one of our members had a cruelty complaint filed against them, it would be investigated, and if proved out, would constitute removing them from our roles.
We would also tell them in no uncertain terms how wronr their treatment is, and that they are abusive animal owners.
Local chapters of the Humane society are governed by the rules of the Narional Society board.
You are absolutely right. That ba----d should not be allowed to keep animals. He is not fit to.
Make friends wih his dogs. Win them over, and beat him at his own game.
Who knows, he may very well teach them to run out and bark at people.
Some people are just too damned cute for anything.
Yeah, he sounds like a little nothing that thinks his position as head of the rescue group ,makes him a big time politition.
  People who are nothng and feel they are nothing have to have some claim to fame and/or authority.
They are the type who after graduating from the 5th grade (or at least never getting past that grade in intellegence)
get a job as a checker at Walmart, and after working for a year or two, get the promotion a tad up, and they get a key to the cash registers, so they feel they are now ranked as an executive in the corportion.
hey suffer from the 'I am dumb and will never amount to a hill of beans, so I will strut around and act like a big shot, and maybe I can at least fool myself-syndrome.
 I am high society. I belong to the school PTA.LOl
Oh, I don't suffer fools well, and I would so love to be face to face with this individual long enought to tell him just what an abusive unfit animal owner he is, as I am removing his dogs, legally from his abusivenes, and to deliver a legal documnt forbidding
Him to keep or be associated with animals in the future.
His dogs give him unconditional love and companionship,  AND HE HITS THEM?
Poor litle things, they truly have no jope of being treated like anything but dirt.
I get really mad when I hear someone say "He is just an animsl" about a murderer or child molester.
Animals don't do things like that.
Animals don't murder for the fun of killing, unless they have been so mistreated by humans that they have been driven mad.
Animals can suffer the same emotional breakdowns humans can. They can be driven beyond their mental endurance.
Animals don't rape and murder.
They are not born killers, if they are killers, they are taught to be that bu humans or driven to it by humans.
  It frstrates me. there is tht sub-human person out there, and there is nothing I can do to change the fortunes of poor little animals that come into his situation and have to put up with him.
Yeah, if I lived in your area, this situation would get me on my soap box and involved in marches and who knows wht kind of crusade.LOl
That is what my husband calls it, My "Carrie Nation-syndrome" LOl