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Neutered dog peeing from inside crate to outside crate

19 10:39:07

QUESTION: I just recently adopted a 4 year old dog (shepherd mix) and while he seems to be housebroken inside while we are watching, when he is crated during the day while at work he lifts his leg in the crate to pee outside it!  I've tried aluminum foil outside the bottom of the crate and adding worn clothing inside to make him feel more secure but he continues to do it.  Any idea how to make him stop?


ANSWER: Hi, Julie. How long is he in the crate for? Do you take him for a walk before you put him in the crate for the day, so that he can eliminate? If not, you should. Do you leave water in the crate for him? If you do, stop. Are you using a wire crate or a plastic one? If you're using a wire crate, perhaps you can try putting a towel over it so it is more 'enclosed,' or get one of the plastic crates with the metal doors, like what is approved for airline travel. He should be less likely to hike his leg and pee on the inside wall of his den, than to pee through wire bars.

If this doesn't help, you might consider letting him wear a 'belly band' during the time he is crated. It's basically a male dog diaper that wraps around the midsection.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He is usually crated for about 6 hrs - 4 hours on Mondays and not at all on weekends.  He goes outside just before he goes into his crate and never has water in it.  I do have a wire crate.  I wrapped the bottom half of it in aluminum foil this morning.  He did one pee on our TV stand in the living room while everyone was there but he snuck off and nobody saw him do it.  He won't do it when anyone is around.

I'm not sure I understand why you are wrapping the crate in aluminum foil, when something much easier, like draping one or two beach towels over the crate, pinned together at the top, would work just as well. ??

When you say 'he goes outside just before he goes into his crate,' do you mean you put him out in the yard for a few minutes while you are continuing to get ready to leave, or do you actually go out with him and SEE him pee? You need to be sure he is actually going to the bathroom, which many dogs will not do if you just put them out in the yard.

Good luck.