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Puppy Bath

19 10:39:07

Hi Shawn,

I have a 4 month old black lab puppy. All his vaccines and
booster doses are over. We gave him bath for the first time
yesterday with a pet shampoo, which i picked up over the
shelf from a pet shop. It says, it contains aloe Vera,

My questions are :
1. How often should i bathe my dog?
2. Any special shampoos or its ingredients, i should be
looking for in a pet shampoo ? His fur is normal, not
greasy or dry. At the most a little dry behind the ears.

Thanks in anticipation..

Bye.. Take care..


Thanks for the question!

First, I would not bathe your dog more often then every 2-3 weeks, unless you are using a highly moisturizing shampoo.

Second, please avoid any shampoos labeled "Flea and tick" as they can be very dangerous to dogs. I would recommend simple shampoos like henna, oatmeal, and moisturizing blends. Too many chemicals, and its best to avoid. Human baby shampoo works very well. Scented shampoos are ok, but only rarely as too often will dry his coat/skin out.

Hope this has helped a little!