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How do I politely tell others that I DO NOT want another dog?

19 14:12:05

Two weeks ago, today, my beloved dog,Casey died.
Since I'd had Casey since I was very young, I was very attached to him, and it's still hard on me, dealing with him being gone. My question is this:

How do I politely tell other people that I DO NOT want another dog, because I feel that no other dog would be the same as Casey was to me? When people hear that my dog has died, they IMMEDIATELY tell me that I should get another dog, to replace my dog.....well, I DON'T want another dog and have decided NOT to get another one.   How do I get other people to understand my reasons for not wanting another dog?


I'm so sorry for your loss. I know what it is to lose a beloved dog that was more like a family member than an animal. And I have also heard the insensitive comment, "Why don't you just get another dog?" It's so hard not to lash out at those people, who probably have good intentions, but no tact.

I would tell them, "My dog was very special to me, and there is simply no way I can ever replace him. Thanks for your concern, but I'm not ready to get another dog so soon." Or something along those lines...

Hope this helps!