Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > my dog has some kind of warts

my dog has some kind of warts

19 13:51:20

hi i recently noticed that my dog had been scratchin himself alot and thought he maybe have flees but when i had a closer look he has got some kind of warts or spots on his skin they stick out about 7 mm and he has about 4 of them. have you got any idea what these might be? he is a cross alasation with colley. about 3 years old and he looks healthy otherwise but he keeps scratchin at them. they are next to his manhood if that helps please get back to me i will be very gratefull or if you cant help maybe you know someone that will.

Hello John, This area can be sensitive to flea acne.  These would be clear or reddish pimple like bumps.  Look all over the dog for fleas and if you see them then this is what you are seeing with the bumps, flea acne.  What can you do, well treat your dog right away with either advantage or frontline, these are products sold by vets and at to get rid of fleas.  You can then follow up with a medicated bath to give his skin some relief.  Good luck and Thanks for asking.  Cindy Lou :)