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Leg Amputation

19 9:39:26

Hi - wondered if youve seen many 3 legged dogs and have some knowledge or opinion on amputating a front leg - part of my question is where is best. My vet told me the shoulder is usually the best so they dont think they can use the leg (if more is left)... and possibly fall and injure themselves. My 8 yr old Borzoi had a badly infected leg from an IV from surgery for Pyometra 2 weeks ago. I asked them to take the IV out but he insisted on leaving it in for a whole day after surgery. The leg swelled up 4 days after surgery. After I called 2 days in a row, the vet gave me Clavamox instead of Zeniquen. He kept telling me he wasnt concerned as long as she is on antibiotics. Then the leg started bleeding from different points, oozing and splitting in the skin below the knee joint and a little above it, some areas turning black. Some look like scabs now with pink underneath (good) but some areas are sloughing off. I can see a little bone tonite on topside of paw.... We started her on Pentoxifyline to stimulate the red blood cells to form new blood vessels, and also a laser level 4 that is supposed to stimulate on a cellular level. after the first laser treatment we saw improvement, she had 2 toes that were pink and starting to warm up. But then the next day after the 2nd treatment it started to go downhill. One toe started dying. That was today at the vet for laser #3. He told me if it doesnt improve by monday we're talking amputation. I really dont want this vet to stick another IV in my dog for surgery. I read online that I can find an orthopedic specialist to maybe save the leg... I know this is all medical, but you stated you might have an opinion or experience with this. I am going to get a 2nd and maybe 3rd opinion if I can get in to see someone monday. one website suggested a teaching school.... that they would have cutting edge equipment, and be less costly. Im just south of Chicago, IL. ----- any ideas? ---- wondered if you have even maybe groomed 3 legged dogs? if a front leg was gone, were most taken at the shoulder? I appreciate all info you can share. Thank you!

Other than an occasional lame dog around here, my only real experience with a three-legged dog happened when I was a kid... peddling my bike down the road, when a three-legged (front leg) collie-X dog came roaring out at me, forcing me to pedal as fast as I could to get away from it. That dog could *MOVE*!

We did have a 3-1/2 legged (rear) dog who had a femoral head and neck ostectomy, and after 6 months of intensive therapy, she was running in agility again, and went on to earn her agility championship just a couple weeks short of her 13th birthday. A handicapped dog is only as handicapped as one makes it.

That said, I would definitely look for a different veterinarian. You might try the Chicago Center for Veterinary Medicine:  
The University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine is in Urbana.

Some other links which might be helpful for you: