Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > alone?


19 14:32:49

Followup To
Question -
for how long can a dog be left alone in a day?

Answer -
I am not quite sure what you want to lnow exactly.  It depends on the age the breed and it's past.  Are you asking about it from a legal stand point?  If you can not spend enough time with your dog i suggest you get rid of it.

Thanks for your fast reply!:)

I'm trying to find out how many hours a dog can be left alone because I've been flamed for leaving my dog alone for 6/7 hours a day and I want to know if that really is too long or not. He's a retriever, 8 months old. He came from a fantastic breeder so he hasn't had anything bad in his past. I myself think I spend enough time with him- when I come home from school we go out on a walk/play session for like 20 minutes to an hour, depending on the weather, stuff like that. Then he gets a little training session and indoor play, lots of petting, etc. And the rest of the day he gets attention and is with on most everything. He has a dog course two days a week (at the moment, that'll probably change after these courses are done) and weekends are usually spent outdoors with him.

I don't see him as unhappy at being left. Sure, he'd rather not be, and its not ideal to leave him for that long, but he can handle it, I truly think so. Still its not pleasant being told that I'm a terrible dogowner and so I want to know if leaving him alone taht long is bad. I want to take good care of him.


Well considering his breed he is fine staying home alone.  Considering his age, all i have to say is WOW!  I have never met a dog 8 mo. old and isn't destructive left home alone that long.  As long as he is happy then you are fine!  And don't pay ANY attention to those FOOLS  who can't see that he is happy.  If they call you bad owners then they aren't worth your time!  I sometimes work longer hours than that and my 9 dogs, 5 cats, 4 ferretts, and a parrot are fine alone!  So those people probally don't know what they are talking about!  There just ignorant.  Don't let then get to you.