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I have a aggressive cane corso ...

19 11:00:34

I have a Alaskan Malamute male about 2 yrs old and a Cane Corso male 1 yr old. First of all I would like to say that I was unaware that the puppy I bought was a cane corso. I got it  at six weeks old and was told by the breeder it was a English Mastiff. I work at a Vet clinic and as the puppy grew and became more aggressive, the vets told me he was a Cane Corso. Now the Cane is very sweet to myself and my husband and has not shown aggressive signs toward us. When ever I am around both dogs at the same time the Cane violently attacks the Malamute. He is very aggressive towards everyone at the Vets office. Extremely aggressive towards other dogs during walks. He has always been aggressive towards strangers approaching the house. Now is aggressive to strangers on walks. Has began to get aggressive with people who come into the home, ( people he has met before.) He was well socialized as a puppy. I have become scared to be with both dogs at the same time. Separating them sometimes is not an option. Both dogs out weigh me and I can't control them when a fight breaks out. To make the situation worse we now have a 7 month old baby who is just about to crawl. Neither dog has been aggressive  towards the baby, but they have broken through the gate during a fight with my baby being on the other side of the gate. The vets say to euthanize the Cane. My husband is still unsure about euthanasia. I'm starting to think it's the only option but can't get myself to committ to it. He is so sweet to us and the baby. ( when he is by himself.) Also he is NOT dominate aggressive towards us. The fact that he is so sweet to us is what is making this a very difficult decision. DO you believe euthanasia is our only option? I believe that if we tried to give him to some one else he would attack them. Thank you for reading this I'm sorry it was a long question.

Hi Whitney,

This is a serious question and not one that should be answered in totality in e-mail. Take what I say and couple it with a professional evaluation by someone familiar with this breed, as well as your instincts and expertise, being familiar with lots of different types of dogs in your work at the vet clinic.

The "breeder" should be contacted and asked if he can take this dog back. He "bred" him, let him live with the consequences. I know that sounds hard, but if he can't be culpable for what he is putting into the world then he shouldn't be breeding. I suspect him to be more of a broker than breeder.

The first flag for me is that he was sold to you at 6 weeks, that's an important week, it when the bite inhibition lessons are being held with his Mama. Dogs removed too soon often have bite inhibition problems later in life, that we cannot always undo with behavior modification.

What is your definition of aggressive? Is he actually biting, causing harm? Or he is he trying to drive away?

That he and your Malamute do not get along and not always able to be separated is not good, particularly in a house with a child. That he is escalating is also not good. Not aberrant for the breed but not good.

That he is not presenting dominance aggression (aggression directed at family members) is unfortunately a weak argument at best. What happens is that this type of dog, presenting these issues, his world gets smaller and smaller as the aggression grows until he really have no other outlet than those closest to him.

Sadly, the many things you are writing about do not bode well and no, I am not at all comfortable with the idea of an aggressive Cane Corso anywhere near a crawling baby.

Please keep him away from your Malamute and others until you can have an in person evaluation done. Try and be sure that they are familiar with this breed. I wish you had gotten a Mastiff!

Personally, I really like Cane Corsos, but do not view them as pets.

I am sorry I do not have better things to say. Please be careful and let me know how things go.