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My dog ate a pear

19 11:07:29

I was just wondering if you knew how poisonois pears were to dogs?... My Shih Tzu got a hold of a pear that had been eaten down to the rind and dug it out of the trash and ate the whole thing. I caught her with the last little bit of it and got the rest away, but she ate almost all of it. This was just a few minutes ago...So, she has no symptoms yet of being sick. Is there anything I should be watching for or could do to help prevent her from being sick? And Just how bad are they?

Thank you for your time,

Euh, that isn't much dog.  I don't have a clue on pears, but apple seeds are toxic.  You have several options.  Try to reach your vet.  Call the national poison hot line at 888-4264435.  Or give it a teaspoon of peroxide.  If it doesn't vomit in 15 minutes, give it another one.  Some dogs will slurp it down.  That will quickly get everything out the front end.  Otherwise the best you can hope for is a very soft bowel movement before morning.