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Shitzu eatting own feces....

19 13:34:08


So I have a 6 month old Shitzu who eats her feces. I heard its common for this breed to do it. But when do they grow out of it? When I walk her and she does her business outside I'm there to pick it up right away so she doesn't have access to it. When she is indoors I'm still training her on the wee wee pads which she does #1 and 2 on the pad. I will clean up her mess if I'm around as soon as she does it. But the times that I am away she eats it up.. What can I do? thanks!


Dear Eric,
Thanks for the question. Coprohagia is the technical term for eating feces. There are some additives (basically they are meat tenderizers) that you can add to her food that may or may not be effective for stopping the behavior.

I don't believe in re-inventing the wheel (big smile)- there is a good article about coprohagia on a site I like -  Here is a link that I often share with my clients.

Happy Training!