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Dashcund exercise pattern

19 9:20:55


I have a 3 years old daschund whom i walk 2 hours ie. 1 hr in the morning and 1 hr in the evening and sometimes 2 hrs together if we miss out.   The average distance we cover is 6 - 7 kms.  Is this distance fine for a growing dog his age or should i reduce it.  He enjoys his walks and sleeps well after the nice exercise.  I am a bit concerned if it will hurt his spine or his legs.  Please help with your knowledge.

Thanks much.

The more exercise, the better as it builds muscle which supports the skeleton.  This takes stress off the bones and strengthens the dog overall.  I am assuming he goes out at other times to relieve himself, and if this is just his exercise time, it is wonderful and you could do more if you like.