Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > MACE/PEPPER SPRAY


19 10:02:57

QUESTION: I do a lot of walking and jogging and quite often there are run-ins with agressive dogs and it's time i defend myself but at the same time i worry about seriously injuring an animal-i love anaimals i have three dogs and they mean the world to me but i know that i must be prepared to defend myself if question is what are the injuries to a dog if it is maced? maced with human mace and/or canine maced?do both of the maces cause the same injuries or is one more damaging than the other.what injuries do each of them cause.does peppered spray cause less injuries....i'm concerned,i dont wish to over injure an anamial ..thank you for your time

ANSWER: Pepper spray is more effective on animals than mace, and reacts much more quickly. Also, more injuries have been reported from mace than pepper spray. I'm not really sure of the difference between human mace and canine mace, but actually, I think what you are referring to as canine mace is pepper spray... and the difference is probably only in the name (so they can charge more).

Most places have dog-leash laws, and if a dog comes after you agressively, you should report it to the authorities. I used to carry pepper spray when walking my dog, but switched to a cattle prod. With sprays, there is always a chance that it will blow back onto you or your own dog.

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It causes the dog temporary blindness, shortness of breath and a burning sensation until its effect wears off. It is normal for most dogs to roll on the ground and rub their eyes in an attempt to remove the spray from the facial area. The painful, irritating effects usually wear off within minutes, leaving the dog unharmed, but long enough to allow the intended victim time to get away safely.