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puppy chihuahua biting owner

19 9:39:52


Hello.  I have a 6 month old female chihuahua and a 9 year old male chihuahua.  I had a 16 year old chihuahua who passed away.  I know that they can be aggressive but have never experienced being bit by my own dog, especially a puppy until now.  I got Cassey,  my puppy when she was 9 weeks from a pet store.  She is so sweet and full of kisses etc.  yet when I first tried to put her harness on her she bit me and I don't believe it was a play bite.  I didn't push it and took my time and made the harness a play toy and gave her treats every time I put it on her and that worked.  Now she is fine most of the time but if I go to pick her up from her bed she gets aggressive and actually bit me today and drew blood.  I am concerned because she is only 6 months old.  I do love her but don't know what to do.  I tell her no bite and that helps much of the time and she can catch herself and stop but sometimes she lashes out and really bites and she is only a puppy.  I am very worried and would really appreciate some advice.

Hello Patricia;
I would be concerned for sure!
This is a sign of things to, get to an obedience class or trainer as soon as possible!
I cannot help you over the internet with this issue, as it will take constant supervision.
Please understand, there are books you can read...
But, it has escalated to the point, it is serious, and you will need ongoing support to break this behavior pattern!
Best regards,