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Vomiting White Foam

19 11:48:36

I have an 9-month old Chihuahua/Chinese crested mix and he threw up white foam and something he found in the yard. This isn't the first time he's eaten something he shouldn't but usually he poops it out or he throws it back up but never with white foam.  Is this serious?

Hello Lizbeth and thank you so much for your question.

As a one time occurrence, I wouldn't be too concerned. The white foam is more of a coughy flemy stuff (if those are words, lol). It is kinda of like when we cough hard and it makes us gag and unless your pet starts doing this regularly, I really don't think it would require immediate attention. If, however, you notice this happening several times, then a vet check is definitely in order, as if could mean a more serious medical condition (which there are several that could be a possibility).

I hope this puts your mind at ease.