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ny puppy

19 11:52:12

I have a 11 week old pug. I was told to feed him several small meals a day, but he poops about 12 times a day. That can't make him feel good, plus I can't take him outside enough. Help

At 11 weeks a puppy may still be developing its bowel control frequent outings are called for in house training, make sure you are feeding the proper amount, of food per day. to do this you can start with tha amounts on the package of puppy food, which is a recomended feeding amount per day. usually you should divide the amount by the number of times you are feeding, but consulting your vet can help.
Example the bag says feed 1 cup per day you are feeding three times per day so that would mean you feed 1/3 cup of food each time you feed.

you can adjust this by allowing a time limit, say 10 minutes, you would allow the puppy to have its food bowl down for 10 minute then pick up the dish, even if it has food in it. I suggest placing the left overs in another bowel to keep track of the amount left over. at the end of the day find out how much your puppy ate of the 1 cup recomended.
if it is mesurable you can reduce the amount you feed that amount. then feed the amount until the amount on the package changes due to age. and repeat the process. until the puppy is full grown, then switch to adult food. and do the same thing.

As for the house training restrict the access to the house until you and your dog have a good routine, and it is going potty outside on a regular schedule.