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Rat poisnoning.

19 11:36:33

Well just recently my 2 month old dog had ate rat poisnoning and I took him to the vet but they were charging me $200. Don't get me wrong, I love my dog but that's alot of money for just a 15 year old. Futhermore, the lady at the vet told me to give him proxide which is exactly what I did. My dog threw up 3 times and it was all green(due to the rat poisnoning). Do you think he will be okay?

Rat poison is pretty bad stuff, the main concern is did you get all of it out and what has already been absorbed.  

In a perfect situation your dog would have been given a medication to make him vomit then activated charcoal to absorb the rest as well as IV fluids and vitamin K and bloodwork to see what damage has been done.

Peroxide does induce vomiting, but it also is hard on the stomach and can cause stomach ulcers.  

Since you cannot afford to go to the vet the best you can do is watch it.  Try forcing liquids down him and food to try to dilute the poison.

Unfortunately your dog may very well die from this or complications resulting from the poison being absorbed by the body.

So if he does start showing symptoms (lethargy, tremors, convulsions, seizures) you may have to make the choice to put him down to stop his suffering.

Bad situation but good luck,