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Fighting Jack Russells

19 14:08:05

I have two male Jack's, one is 3 and the other is 2, I also have a 4 year old female, all live in the house with us. The 2 males have started trying to be "top dog" in the house. They growl and approch each other with there hair standing up on there backs, and other times they get along just fine, cleaning each other and sleeping beside each other, I love all my dogs and I want to help them to get along. I have been told that they will do this until 1 establishes dominance over the other. But I am afraid that by the time this happens one will end up getting hurt in one of their fights. Can you help me with this? Thanks

Hello Lauren, You are so right they can do major damage when they fight.  Yes it is true that one dog will be the dominant, but YOU are the pack leader.  You need to establish this and get the altimate respect from them. Set the mood and control the situation.  There is a show on cable called the Dog Whisperer, here is his website
he is awesume at situations similar to yours.  Check out this website and read his valuable information and try to catch one of his shows.  I think it will help you to understand positions in a pack.  Good luck and enjoy the website, Thanks, Cindy lou :)