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crested skin questions....

19 10:03:03

I recently adopted a hairless chinese crested. over the past month i let his skin get to dry and now it has red bumps all over. I have been bathing daily with good baby shampoo and aveeno lotion. is there anything else i can do to help his skin?


Hi Amie,

If your dog is a The Powder Puff Chinese Crested, it can be bathed every 2 to 4 weeks, the hairless version needs a bath at least once a week. It's possible you've been over-bathing your dog, if you're seeing signs of dry skin.

The red bumps could be flea allergies, an environmental allergy, or a skin infection.  Many Chinese Crested are allergic to lanolin and wool. If you have anything made of wool that your dog has contact with, try removing it, and see if things don't improve.

I can't diagnose your dog.  Your dog should be examined by your veterinarian.

Best of luck,
