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Drinking Water

19 11:11:11

QUESTION: My wife and I recently added a third dog to the house. We alreay had an 11 and 6 year old French Bulldog and our new dog is a 3 year old Corgi. Her previous owner had a set of bowls for her food and water, however they don't work with our set up, so we removed them. We gave her a food bowl which she eats from, however we figured the three dogs could share a water bowl. However, the Corgi refuses to use the community bowl. She's gone to the point of licking up rain water off the deck when we let her outside rather than drinking from the bowl. I've washed the bowl thouroughly and placed it in a neutral area (away from the frenchies' sleeping area) but to no avail. Is there any trick to get her to use the water bowl? Thanks.

ANSWER: What if you swap out the one you're trying to use now with one of the ones her former owner sent with her?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The bowls that were sent with her are easily knocked over. We've got wood floors and after being knocked over 3 times, we realized these bowls would not work. Plus, the Corgi has a habit of knocking the bowl around when it was close to empty, spilling water even more. So swapping it out wont work. We need her to use the bowl we have? Should I try buying a second bowl just for her?

Getting another bowl was going to be my next suggestion, if using one of the bowls that came with her wouldn't work. I do think it's rather strange that she doesn't want to drink out of the bowl you've already got, though. Maybe it's because she can see herself in it (if it's stainless steel)? I honestly don't know. Maybe it's the taste of your water?