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my 6 year old pulling her fur out

19 9:21:42

hi i have a 6 year old papillon who has been sprayed and she is de-fleaed every month and washed every week and groomed everyday but she is pulling her fur out on the lower part of her back and top part of her left back leg, she was on human food when i got her as the last owner use to feed her human food but now i have her on dog food, i also have a seven week old puppy but this problem started a few weeks before i got him. is there any reason why she is doing this and anything i can do to stop her from pulling her fur out

I would be careful with the flea stuff, and not use it unless you really have a flea problem, as that stuff *is* toxic. However, I don't feel that is really the cause of the problem.

This could be a case of a hot spot for whatever reason, and if that is the problem, spray the area with something nasty-tasting like Bitter Apple or even Tabasco Sauce. You could also put an Elizabethan collar on her to keep her from chewing on herself. I would rub the area with something like plain Listerine, the oral disinfectant.

This could also be a pain issue due to falling or twisting her spine in some fashion. She should be able to do full stretches foreward and back, shake from her nose all the way through to her tail, and do full yawns. A dog should also be able to turn its head left and right and touch its flank with its nose, but she is obviously not having a problem with that one. If a dog aborts any of these simple behaviors midway through them, something is wrong somewhere along its structure, and it should be seen by an animal chiropractor.