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My 2 yr old blacks eating habits.

19 10:01:35


Pic of Tula
I have a 2yr old black lab. Her anme is Tula and she will be getting fixed next month. I feed here 2 cups a day but that does not seem enough, she always acts like she is starving, she is very skinny but a tall and big dog. when she eats she does not chew her food she just swallows it, I have tryed everything I can think of to stop that, but nothing seems to work, do you have any training technigues or advise on her to train her to chew her food and gain weight. Thank you Cindy

Rapid eating is typical of Labs.  There are not one, but 2 easy, tested, effective ways to control rapid eating. You can spread the food out on a cookie sheet or something. Some of my friends just throw it on the floor of the crate. You can put large rocks in the food dish, much to big to swallow. Either way, the dog can't gulp down one big mouthful after another.

As long as the vet says she is OK, you need to be feeding more if you can see her ribs.  Your dog definitely should be narrower at the waist than the hips and chest. You should be able to easily feel the ribs, but not see them. Each dog is different. Standard recommendations are a good place to start, but each dog must have its food and exercise adjusted to its individual needs. Here is a link to a good illustrated guide,  lean dogs live longer.  You may be comparing her to overweight dogs.  Still, I did have to feed one Lab 6 cups of Pro Plan to maintain good body condition.