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our puppy wont walk

19 10:01:36


We have a 12 week old staffordshire bull terrier who is a nightmare to walk. She simply refuses to walk, sitting down until you end up having to carry her. She shakes like she is scared sometimes but is happier to walk back the way we have walked or carried her. We've tried walking the same way or trying different routes and its always the same thing. How can we reassure her enough to get her excited about walking?

Try taking some super-delicious, super-special treats along, like string cheese, hot dogs, cooked chicken.  Keeping her focused on you and the goodies may take her mind off whatever is scaring her.  Go for short walks at first, holding the treats in front of her and giving bits as you go along, and increase the distance gradually.  Don't rush things.  It's more important that she gains trust in you and confidence than actually walking great distances.