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minature snauzer is biting

19 11:16:20

Our 18 month old snauzer is biting other family members when they try to pick her up when she is lay next to me. I trained her and she has bonded with me. If she is next to me and someone comes up to take her she moves away and then if they grab her she become aggressive and bites. I can not let this continue. How do I stop

Part of the problem is that she never learned to inhibit her bite as a puppy... possibly she was separated from her mother and littermates too early.

She thinks she is a lot higher on the totem pole than she should be, and she needs to learn otherwise. Get her into on-going obedience classes and work with her every single day. Others in the family should also work with her. Start practicing "Nothing in Life is Free" with her, and again, everyone else in the family should do the same.  Also do "Long Downs" with her three times a week:  All of these things must be a joint effort on everyone's part in order to teach this dog her proper place in the pack... at the bottom.

If the dog is bonded to you over the rest of the family, then it is up to you to step in as alpha and correct her when she misbehaves. You need to assert yourself with her, and let her know (through praise) what is acceptable behavior, and (through corrections) what is NOT. Obedience training will help you to learn how to do this.

Here, if I want a dog to move that is on the furniture, I tell it to get down or "off"; I never pick it up. If it doesn't move, I sit on it. They learn very quickly to get out of the way. Remember, the Alpha always gets the best, FIRST. Sort of think of yourself as being God-like<G> (in the dog's eyes). They must move for YOU, not you for them!