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dog pulling his hair out

19 11:00:09

long haired york-daschund mix male pulls his hair out on his lower back and now has a rough textured skin. his offspring just started to pull his hair out on his back also--offspring is a yorkie-daschund-jack russell terrier--his siblings do not pull there hair out.bald patch starts where the tail touches the skin.

This is one of three problems

It could be that he has fleas,the lower back is actually the most common place for fleas,what you do to tell if it is fleas is to look through the fur for black specs,which are flea droppings,and this can be treated with other the counter shampoos

The second is it could be a type of airborne allergy-and the skin and fur will often look dry and itchy,and what you can do is give him an over the counter allergy pill but ONLY after talking to your vet first as some allergy pills are dangerous to dogs and dosage is done by the weight of the dog

And the third is a skin infection,in which the skin either looks red,or yellow and greasy-but sometimes it might look like an allergy,so it might be a good idea if you don't see flea dirt,to have your vet look at him

As to why the puppies are bitting at him,it's probably because they are just mimicking what he is doing,or it might have a weird scent from him biting at himself,sometimes the smell of saliva entices puppies to chew