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19 9:33:24

my 8 week old schitzu is constipated what can i do


Hi Tammy,

If you only just got your puppy, constipation can be due to changing food from whatever it was fed before you got him, to what you're feeding him now.

A simple dog constipation remedy is to add a little canned pumpkin (NOT the pie filling variety, just plain pumpkin) in your pups' meals can be helpful. Add 1 teaspoon per feeding. Pureed pumpkin baby food also works. Alternatively, you could add 1 teaspoon of oat bran, or 2 teaspoons of Grape Nut flakes added to your puppy's food, OR mix 1/2 tsp of olive oil to his meals.

Your puppy needs access to fresh water at all times during the day. If your pup has some issues with slow moving bowels and you can't seem to get him to drink more, you can always add some warm water to his dry food at one mealtime each day to get some more fluids into him.

Plenty of exercise is essential to keep your puppy health and happy. If you have a constipated puppy (or just has a tendency towards it), increasing his exercise and activity level can help. The benefits are two-fold; firstly, the physical aspects of the exercise help to keep his digestive system and bowels "moving along" preventing the sluggishness that can lead to constipation. Secondly, long walks or a vigorous games keep him outside longer and help to give him plenty of time to eliminate when he has the chance.

If your puppy has eaten any "foreign object" (and if you've ever raised a puppy, you'll know how common that is) and shows signs of constipation, seems distressed or in pain, vomits, or has a distended belly, seek veterinary attention right away!  It's possible that he has an intestinal obstruction and this can be an emergency.

Best of luck,
