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dog part wolf/husky/sheperd

19 10:00:28

i put her in a heavy gauge kennel and she chewed the wires 4 of them off and got out and open my window my plants where all over the floor,she was out side when i got home.she is 4 an half years old .I got her from a friend ,i have to go to work and he told me to put her on a run with a chock collar,a normal collar she will get right out of it too.thats the only problem i have with her, help me please! cindy

Hello Cindy,

While training is not really my expertise, I can give you some suggestions. A wolf/dog hybrid is always going to have the tendencies of the wolf.  They don't like to be confined in anyway.  Being that your dog is 4 1/2 she will be a little harder to train.

She could be suffering from separation anxiety as well. There are products specially made for helping pet's cope with the time spent away from their owners.  One I like to suggest is NuVet Plus - it helps with stress and anxiety.  You can learn more about it at Giving the supplement for a full 60 days will prove if this is going to work for your dog.  It is guaranteed to help or your money back.  It's worth a try.

Is taking her to a Dog Daycare an option for you? There are many places around in all parts of the country that are helping people to care for your pet while you are at work. Call some and find out their prices and ask if you can try if for day to see if your dog can handle it. Another option is to have someone come in once a day to check on her. Some Pet Sitters will offer price brakes for one time visits to your home.

The Invisible Fence companies are great options to check with.  They come to your home and bury a wire in your yard for containment.  There is a collar that your dog wears and when they get to close to the boundary they get a small electrical shock.  No dogs like getting zap so it trains them to stay in their yard.

That's about all I can think of.  I sure hope that you find a solution that is right for you and your dog.  Even the greatest dog can have a behavioral problem, but with patience and perseverance you can overcome.

Susan Potts
Professional Groomer & Pet Food Adviser