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swallowed a raw hide

19 11:36:29

about 18 hours ago my bulldog swallowed a raw hide, just as I was about to take
it away ( she saw me coming) and this morning, after drinking some water,
threw up a little.  Probably the water, right?  She's not lethargic and seems to be
acting ok, but i'm wondering if there's anything I can do to help her pass the

Since it has been 18 hours, whatever she ate should have come out by now.  If she hasn't passed any rawhide I worry that it may be stuck somewhere.

Usually with dogs who have what's called a "foreign body" they do exhibit lethargy, vomiting, fever and general malaise.  If your pet does show any of those signs then I would take her in ASAP for a barium series (make the dog eat/swallow barium and take x-rays to see where it stops = blockage) or just regular x-rays to check the intestines.

Intusseption is another issue that can develop, that is when the intestines telescope in on themselves due to a blockage.  This condition as well as a blockage is usually only treatable with surgery.

There isn't anything you can give her to help pass it, just wait and watch.

As I said, since it's been so long I'd wait and see how she does, she's a medium-large dog so depending on how big the rawhide she swallowed was, she will probably be ok.  No more rawhide!!! ever!!!!!

Take care,
