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Pussy rash

19 13:57:01

I have a 9 week old female beagle puppy that has a pussy rash/blisters on her belly but there are also a few on the rest of her body.  I will take her to the vet but I'm worried about this being a symptom of something worse.  My neighbor told me a friends dog had the same thing and died. Please help!

Hi Chris,
Yes, be sure and take her to a vet.  I don't think it's anything that will kill your dog, but it does sound like mange, some kind of allery or maybe some kind of infection.  Your Vet will probably put her on some meds.  If she is eating good and is playful, then she is not in immediate danger.  It's when puppies won't eat, or have severe diarrhea, that's when you really need to worry.  However, you definetley need to still go to the Vet so he can check this to see what is causing the problem and get her fixed up!

God Bless,